From The G.O’s Desk


As children of God who are convinced of their salvation in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, their commitment to preaching the gospel to everybody must get top priority in the face of other equally demanding vocations. We have the express mandate to take the WORD by every means of transportation to every person anywhere in the world. We get the command from the book of Mark chapter 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

It is by the sheer grace of God that any believer can confidently say, he or she is born again. From our privileged corner of being a child of God and duly addressed as a believer, we have technically moved from the confinement of the torment of SIN to the beauty provided by the WORD of God. Through this engagement, our interaction with our maker takes an upward climb with opportunities for developing our spiritual and physical capabilities. As we grow in grace and continue to live our lives in the fear of God, our service to the unsaved cannot be compromised.

Events around the world and Nigeria inclusive, are undoubtedly pointing to the time of rapture. Some are already saying that the end of this wicked world is very imminent.

But this cannot be said to be breaking news to the ears of the believer. Rather, we are to frontally engage in soul-winning programmes as time is running out. We owe humanity this service of saving souls from the pangs of hellfire. They must hear about the saving grace in the Lord and Risen Saviour who sacrificed his life humiliatingly on the Cross of Calvary, just so that, we may have life and have it more abundantly. But this is what the Devil is fighting against. Why? It is sincerely because he wants to drag so many souls to hell fire. Since God wants the souls to be candidates for heaven before the end of the age, we need to double up our soul-winning programmes. It is our responsibility to preach the message of Christ. You can profess to be His and not be concerned about the huge number of people who are still thinking that, there is no heaven anywhere. Some think that life begins and ends on the earth. Do you blame them? We should not; rather, it is our heavenly assignment to turn men, women, and youths into the way of Christ. Let’s all take the contents of 1 Peter 4:17 very seriously… it says, “Judgment begins in the house of God.”. The house of God mentioned here, represents every child of God. All believers are part and parcel of the house of God. Since we know Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, we know better than the lost. They don’t know any better because they don’t know Jesus. They are blinded by the teachings of the Bible. There lies the crux of the matter…You need to rise and tell SOMEBODY about JESUS TODAY.

Deny Satan any opportunity to hold you down from performing this glorious assignment. Jesus is inviting you now; to confess all sins and pledge to refire for Christ as a workman who needed not to be ashamed. You will be forever thankful you did. If you want tracts and other Christian literature for evangelism, send your requests to this number: 0817812267

Your friend in the School of Prayer and Deliverance.


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